Mark Glenn: The Sandpoint Sandnigger

The sandnigger in Sandpoint found himself a white sow to inseminate. Now he has nine kids, no job, and lives on welfare. It is probably better that he is not teaching any longer. His islamic version of history would only further serve to poison American schoolchildren, as he would have them all trying to fly carpets and worshipping the rock in the desert. 

When he is not knee-deep in WIC cheese and free diapers. Glenn spends his time attacking both those evil jews and their real enemies: Christian White Nationalists. Glenn's true endeavor is to help make anti-Semitism safe for the antifa ignorati.

Glenn, being the race-mixing arab bastard* that he is, cannot fathom the idea that there are Whites who would take a stand for their own racial integrity. While he pretends to attack jewish zionism, he and others like him either totally ignore or deny the fact that race-mixing is an ages-old jewish agenda, and that the jews have sought to crush every group which ever stood in their path in order to defend blood and nation. Therefore Glenn would brand any White Nationalist who takes a stand for his own race - Christian or otherwise - as "Proud servants of the ADL", when actually it is Glenn and the rest of the Antifa stooges who are advancing the agenda of the jews.

The ugly truth is that Mark Glenn, the sandnigger in Sandpoint, is doing the work of his jewish cousins while at the same time he is pretending to oppose them. Like all of the followers of his half-jew uncle Mohammed, he is just another arab stooge in the jewish war on Whites. Mark Glenn is controlled opposition.

Note: we understand that the terms arab and bastard are redundant.

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