Robert Bruce Gorman - Buddha Brucie

For nearly four years Bruce Gorman hung out on Bill Finck's Christogenea Chat server, and partook in many of Bill's Open Forum sessions. For all those years, Gorman pretended to be the repentant race-mixer.

Bill's pictures have always been posted publicly, and now that Bill is once again censuring the race-mixers, suddenly Bruce has a problem. The truth is that he was lying, and he never really was repentant after all.

Below, left to right, Finck, Gorman and Durrence in July, 2012

The truth is, that for 20 years Bruce was sleeping with a filipino and multiplying with the beast.

Now he loves and dotes upon his squat-monster brood, as he preaches Christian Identity to his little slant-eyed tards, while both Screwey Dewey Tucker and Eli James give him approbation!

Eli James, we have heard, has promised to grant Brucie's Manilla-half-vanilla shitlings full absolution. Screwey Dewey is scheduled to perform the baptism in a vat of White paint.

Somehow we do not think it will stick.


Buddha Brucie, proud father of What???

Buddha Brucie's ex-wife, Delia Petilo (Gorman), and his loving mamzer children Catharine and Bruce (Brucie Junior) Petilo Gorman
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